Tuesday, January 29, 2013
వర్షపు నీరు బిందువులుగానే పడుతుంది ఎందుకు?

అత్యంత బద్దకంగా ఉండే జంతువు ఏది?

నిరుపయోగమైన విద్య


చీమంత బరువును మోయగలమా?

చంద్రుడు చల్లగా ఎందుకు ఉంటాడు?

కాకి లెక్కలు

Alien Solar System May Exist in Nearby Star Cluster
At 150 light-years from Earth, the Hyades cluster is the nearest star cluster to Earth's solar system and scientists have long wondered if some of those stars are home to alien planets.
Now, that particular mystery might be solved.
Astronomer Ben Zuckerman, a physics and astronomy professor at UCLA, and his team have discovered evidence that the atmosphere of a white dwarf star in the Hyades cluster is "polluted" with rocky material from pulverized asteroids pulled into orbit around the dying, super-dense star.
The presence of asteroid dust, Zuckerman said, suggests that larger objects like exoplanets, or possibly an entire solar system, may also be orbiting the white dwarf.
Measuring the atmosphere
Zuckerman told the scientists at the American Astronomical Society earlier this month that he and his team found traces of asteroid dust pollution in 50 to 100 of the white dwarfs they observed. The new discovery is the first of its kind seen in the Hyades system. Because this particular star cluster is relatively near Earth, the white dwarf is a great candidate for study, Zuckerman said. [The Nearest Stars to Earth (Infographic)]
Usually, white dwarf atmospheres are relatively "clean," Zuckerman said in the Jan. 8 presentation. Because the heavier elements in a dying star clump in the core, only light elements like helium and hydrogen are left swirling in the atmosphere.
By using a very sensitive spectrometer at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii, the team detected hints of calcium in the atmosphere of the star in its death throes.
"We looked at calcium because it’s the easiest element to detect in these stars," Zuckerman said.
John Debes of the Space Telescope Science Institute was able to confirm that the dust came from asteroids and not from another source by matching the team's new observations with earlier ones.
Signs of planets
Zuckerman described how the star would have become polluted by asteroid dust: "The gravity of the major planets perturbs the orbit of some of the asteroids in towards the white dwarf," he said. "They don't actually have to hit the white dwarf, but they have to get within the tidal radius of the white dwarf, and if that happens, then they get torn apart, torn asunder into little dust grains."
Once the asteroids are pulverized, they will start a new orbit, crafting a new planetary system around the white dwarf.
Of the 50 to 100 polluted white dwarfs Zuckerman's team has studied, it has detected more than 10 heavy elements in the atmospheres of many of the stars, he said.
The most abundant elements detected in these accretion discs — oxygen, silicon, magnesium and iron — are also the most abundant elements found in the Earth. The team also found some less common elements circling the distant stars.
"I didn’t even know that scandium was an element until we discovered it in the atmosphere of a white dwarf," Zuckerman said.
Based on observation and statistical analysis, Zuckerman thinks that at least one quarter of white dwarfs could be polluted with accreted dust, giving researchers the chance to study the insides of asteroids outside of the solar system.
Monday, January 28, 2013
కొత్తిమీర, పుదీనా, టొమాటో చట్నీ

పోపు కోసం:
నూనె - టీ స్పూన్, ఆవాలు - అర టీ స్పూన్, ఎండుమిర్చి - 1, ఇంగువ - చిటికెడు, కరివేపాకు - రెండు రెబ్బలు,
1. పాత్రలో రెండు టీ స్పూన్ల నూనె వేడయ్యాక, జీలకర్ర వేయించాలి. దీంట్లో మినప్పప్పు ఎరుపు రంగు వచ్చేలా వేయించి, పచ్చిమిర్చి, కొత్తిమీర , పుదీనా కలిపి 2 నిమిషాలు వేయించి తీయాలి.
2.అదే పాన్లో మిగతా నూనె వేడయ్యాక టొమాటో ముక్కలు వేసి 8 నిమిషాలు వేయించి తీసి చల్లార్చాలి.
3.ముందుగా మినప్పప్పు మిశ్రమం గ్రైండ్ చేసి తరవాత వేయించిన టొమాటో ముక్కలు, ఉప్పు కలిపి గ్రైండ్ చేసి పాత్రలోకి తీయాలి.
4.పాత్రలో టీ స్పూన్ నూనె వేడయ్యాక ఆవాలు చిటపటలాడాక ఎండుమిర్చి, కరివేపాకు వేసి వేయించి చివరగా ఇంగువ కలిపి తీసి వెంటనే పచ్చడి మిశ్రమంలో కలపాలి.

జబ్ ప్యార్ కియాతో డర్నాక్యా...
రంగీలారే- తేరే రంగ్మే
యూ రంగాహై- మేరా మన్....
యే జిందగీ ఉసీకిహై- జో కిసీకా హోగయా
ప్యార్హీ మే ఖోగయా...
ఓ సజ్నా... బర్ఖా బహార్ ఆయీ
రస్కీ పుహార్ లాయీ- అఖియోమే ప్యార్ లాయీ...
నైనా బర్ సే- రిమ్జిమ్ రిమ్జిమ్
పియా తోరే ఆవన్ కీ ఆస్....
ఠండీ హవాయే- లెహెరాకే ఆయే
రుత్హై జవా ఉన్కో యహా- కైసే బులాయే....
ఈ పాటలన్నీ ఆమెవి.
పంచి ఇచ్చిన ఈ పూలన్నీ ఆమెవి. ఈ మాధుర్యం అంతా ఆమెది.
పాట పట్ల ఉన్న ఈ ప్రేమ అంతా అమెదే.
ఇవాళ దేశం ఆమె పాటను సెలబ్రేట్ చేసుకుంటుంది.
ఒక వేడుకగా ఆమెతో గొంతు కలుపుతుంది.
హ్యాపీ బర్త్ డే టు యూ లతా.
ఆనే వాలా ఆయేగా.. ఆయేగా...
ఆజ్ మై ఆజాద్ హూ...
దునియాకే చమన్ మే....
కుఛ్ దిల్నే సునా- కుచ్ భీ నహీ....
రే ఆయ్ హాయ్- తేరి బిందియారే...


మేరా సాయా

ఆకాశ్ దీప్...


1942 ఏ లవ్స్టోరీ

దిల్ అప్నా ఔర్ ప్రీత్ పరాయే....

షిన్షినాకి బబ్లాబూ


బ్లాక్ బర్డ్ (Black Bird)

చేపలు ఎలా నిద్రపోతాయి?

కారం తింటే ముక్కు నుంచి నీరెందుకు వస్తుంది?

కప్పలు నీళ్లు తాగుతాయా?

వీణ (Veena)

వయొలిన్ (Violin)

వల్లంకి పిట్ట (Common Snipe)



మోటార్ వాహనాల్లో ఇంజన్ ఆయిల్ ఎందుకు వాడతారు?

పొటాషియమ్ ప్రాధాన్యం తెలుసా...?

ప్రో-బయాటిక్స్ మజ్జిగే మందుగా...

జంక్ అంటే జంకండి!

చిన్న పేగు... పెద్ద విధులు

వేద గణితం

Wednesday, January 23, 2013
What is root in a mobile and what does it mean?
There are far more benefits to root a phone than there are to leave the phone as is. Disabling many of the ads if not almost all ads showed in your apps is a huge benefit, and even saves money over the ad-free version of the same app. You can remove carrier installed apps that otherwise could not be uninstalled, giving more space back on the phone and possibly memory as it won’t run any more. Under-volting and overclocking the processor can improve performance while improve battery life. There are tons more benefits. Plus, if you want to unroot the phone for sending the phone in for repairs is much simpler to do.
Having a rooted device you can install custom rooms, create partitions in your sd card and a lot more. In my opinion, the best thing to do, is to google more info about rooting. I stayed about one week reading only about rooting and its good things!
You can read even this english wikipedia post, if you want:
Checking the Web Site Speed
Taking too much time to access your favorite sites? Probably the problem is on the server used by those sites. To make sure that is the problem, use Windows PING facility. Ping is a small program, which sends a 32-bit signal to the Web site server. Next, Ping record the time needed by the server to answer it. To activate Ping:
Click on the Start-Run menus, type command, and then click OK. Type PING "site name" in the MS-DOS prompt window, for example PING www.yahoo.com. In a moment, the result will appear on the screen. A result less than 300ms is normal speed while a result more than 400ms is slow speed.
If "Request timed out" message appears on the screen that means the Web site server is not responding in one second. Probably it happens because the server is too slow, or designed on purpose not to respond to the ping test, or you forgot to specify your name server addresses in the TCP/IP settings dialog box.
Format.com Hidden Parameters
Checks the existing format of your disk, and then proceeds with an unattended disk format. It does not prompt for a volume label, it does not prompt to format another disk, no delay, no user intervention, ends without pausing, and displays disk space statistics after completion.
This parameter works exactly like /AUTOTEST, but it does prompt the user for a volume label, and it does display disk space information upon completion.
This parameter is similar to using the MIRROR command (MS-DOS 5.0 and earlier only).
FORMAT drive: /U
This parameter performs an unconditional format, which destroys every byte of data on a disk by overwriting it with hex F6h. You cannot unformat a disk formatted using the /U option.
This particular combination of format.com parameters makes a disk. Do not use these two format switches together on any drive!
FORMAT drive: /Z:n
Formats a FAT32 drive with a cluster size of n times 512 bytes. Meaning:
drive: = your hard drive letter (C:, D:, E:... etc).
n = number of sectors per cluster multiplied by 512 (cluster size in bytes).
n = 1 creates a 512 bytes cluster;
n = 2 creates a 1024 bytes (1 KB) cluster;
n = ? creates a ? x 512 = ???? bytes (???? bytes : 1024 = ? KB) cluster.
You can modify the size of the allocation units (sectors) on a FAT32 drive to your heart's desire.
Printing a Folder List
If you want to print a list of all files in a folder, and also list the files in the sub-folders which belong to the folder, add the /S switch to the command line in the MS DOS prompt:
dir c:\abcfiles\*.* /s > c:\abcfiles.txt
which not only lists the files and sub-folders in \abcfiles, but also continues to list the files in all the sub-folders. You can then read it using NotePad or WorPad if the file size getting bigger.
Bonus tip:
If you have Microsoft Outlook installed on your system, then you can get a better list. From the Outlook Bar, click on My Computer. If there is no shortcut to My Computer, you can create it by right click an empty Space in the Outlook Bar, choose Outlook Bar Shortcut, Look in – File system, and click OK. Now expand the folder and subfolder, which you want to print. Click on File – Print menu, adjust your page, and then print the result.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Why Does Windows Crash? The Top 10 Reasons

Oh, great. Another blue screen, boot issue or frozen screen in Windows. Now you have to restart and lose most or all of the work you’d been trying to accomplish. It’s frustrating both because of the interruption and because the cause often isn’t clear.
Crashes aren’t just a part of using Windows. The operating system is stable for many people, so if your PC consistently crashes there is most likely a reason. Let’s take a look at the 10 most likely reasons why Windows crashes.
Bad Memory Or Motherboard

Many crashes, particularly those that result in a Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD), occur because of a memory or motherboard issue. This can result in a Fatal Exception Error, which basically means data that should be stored in memory could not be retrieved.
You can test memory with a utility like Memtest86 or, in some cases, a built-in motherboard diagnostic tool (see the motherboard’s manual). Another way to test is to simply swap in new memory and see if the issue goes away. If it does not, and the RAM you installed was correct, the motherboard may be the issue.
BIOS Settings

Most motherboards come from the factory with settings that are broadly compatible. These then might be altered by the PC’s builder, be it a company or individual. The settings should stick but they’ll revert to default if the CMOS battery (which powers the BIOS memory) goes flat. That can cause your boot order to be re-arranged or put different components in conflict.
Another common problem with boot order is a high placement of USB or CD-Drives. If you leave USB drive plugged in to your PC, and the BIOS is set to boot from USB first, your PC will not boot properly. You can change the boot order or simply remove the offending drive.
Corrupt Registry
The Windows Registry doesn’t run into problems like it used to, but issues are still possible. A corrupt registry can cause a computer to crash or may prevent it from booting properly.Quality registry fix software can often fix this problem. If your computer will not boot properly try to run Windows in Safe Mode and run the software from there.
Incorrect Or Corrupt Drivers

Drivers tell hardware what to do. If they aren’t working properly they can cause crashes, including BSODs, even if the hardware is perfect condition.
Crashes of this type are usually associated with an error message. Sometimes the error message will clearly name the offending hardware. If it does not, try running the message through Google to see if that helps you find the culprit.
Once the hardware driver with a problem is identified you can search online for an updated driver and install it. If the problem persists, try completely uninstalling the driver and then re-installing it from scratch.
Hard Drive Problems
A hard drive failure is a leading cause of boot issues. If your computer mysteriously loses its ability to find the boot drive, but BIOS is properly configured, a hard drive issue is the culprit. Hard drive issues are also often behind crashes that occur only when opening a specific file.If you can still boot to the drive try running a free hard drive test to see if there’s any obvious issues. A healthy report should give you cause to look elsewhere for the problem, but a bad report means your drive has one foot in the grave.
A drive that doesn’t boot at all is bad news. Try it with another PC, if possible, to confirm the drive is the problem. I hope you backed up your data!
Hardware Conflicts

Windows can sometimes crash if it is receiving conflicting information from different pieces of hardware. This is a hardware conflict. It’s not always harmful, but it’s a common source of freezes and BSODs.
You can see if there’s a hardware conflict by opening the Device Manager. If a conflict exists it will be visible in this utility with a yellow and black exclamation icon. Take a look at the hardware that is conflicting and view its properties through the right-click menu to find more information.
From there, solutions vary. Sometimes the issue is caused by drivers. In other cases it can be caused by BIOS misconfiguration or faulty hardware. Try searching the Internet or ask fellow readers at MakeUseOf Answers.
Virus Or Trojan

A virus or Trojan can cause serious harm to a PC. It might corrupt or remove drivers, delete important system files or change administrative settings. All of these can cause unexpected crashes, freezes or leave you locked out of programs.
To be honest, any fight against malware is usually lost the moment you notice it. The problem is that, once it’s taken hold on your system, it’s very difficult to trust that the methods you’d normally use to diagnose your PC are working as they should. The best you can do is download a trusted antivirus and start scanning.
If you can’t seem to root out the malware you made need to nuke the drive and re-install Windows. This is why you should always use an antivirus, run a firewall and frequently back up your data.
Power issues

In some cases a persistent crash issue, particularly a random reboot or a BSOD caused by hardware you’ve verified to be working properly, is the result of a power issue. You should only turn to this possibility if you’ve eliminated all other possibilities.
There are two potential causes. By far the most common is faulty power supply. A problem with the supply that reduces the power it can deliver, or causes an uneven flow of power, can result in otherwise unexplainable crashes. The only solution is to replace the power supply.
Problems with the power in your home or apartment could also be the problem. An overloaded circuit, poor wiring or a faulty power strip could be the culprit. You can diagnose this by moving the PC to another room to see if the crashes suddenly stop.
Most software errors will not cause Windows to crash. Both the operating system and the software that runs on it have become more reliable over the years.Still, software issues can cause random lock-ups. The culprit is often obvious because the problem only occurs when that software is used. It will be less obvious if the problem software is running in the background.
In rare cases your PC might freeze on boot because of software that runs automatically. You can usually resolve this by booting to safe mode and using msconfig to disable software that runs at boot.

Computer components are sensitive to heat. Too much can cause permanent damage, so hardware will shut itself down before that point is reached. A crash error can result.
Overheating can be blamed for random re-boots and BSODs that appear to be driver issues but occur after the driver is re-installed. A beep or series of beeps from the computer at the time it crashes might be an error code telling you the processor has overheated. Check the motherboard’s manual to confirm.
There source of the problem can vary. It may be inadequate case ventilation, a faulty fan or heatsink that has loosened. Laptops can overheat simply because they’re placed on the wrong surface.